In collaboration with the Marketview Heights Steering Committee, comprised of residents from the Marketview Heights neighborhood, Rural Opportunities, Inc., and Housing Opportunities, Inc., the Rochester Regional Community Design Center (RRCDC) prepared this community-based vision plan for the North Union Street Corridor from East Main Street to Central Park. The document serves to provide a written and visual urban design vision reflecting the goals and ideas of community members for revitalization of their neighborhood and the corridor. This report incorporates ideas suggested by nearly 40 residents and stakeholders at the Marketview Heights Mini-Charrette held at Dr. Freddie Thomas Learning Center in October 2007. The document expresses these ideas as elements of good design and planning to create a healthy, viable community, and as inspiration for the corridor’s future development. The mini-charrette was proposed as the first phase of implementing the Marketview Heights Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy which was completed in February 2006. The formal planning process for the mimi-charrette event began in April 2007 and involved a steering committee comprised of diverse neighborhood stakeholders from the Marketview Heights Collective Action Project. Following the mini-charrette, the process of creating a vision for the North Union Street Corridor was carried out during late 2007 and early 2008.
The North Union Street Corridor Vision contains maps which include design and development recommendations for four nodes in the corridor between East Main Street and Central Park. Ganeral design concepts expressed as important by community members at the mini-charrette are reflected in these maps. These include: 1) develop short-term, immediately achievable projects. 2) Improve pedestrian realm experience. 3) Create a unifying identity for the corridor. 4) Capitalize on vacant lots.
These concepts were instrumental in developing the vision and will serve as a guide for the community as they work to create positive change throughout the corridor.